All our environments have Kubernetes v1.24 installed.
Yes, our CKA questions and main topics are already updated.
Yes, absolutely. Our exam interface and the questions are developed in order to give our users the best possible feeling of being in real exam conditions.
We have created 2 different exams scenarios for each certification (CKA, CKS and CKAD) , with a difficulty level more similar to the exam. So if you practice and solve our exams enough times and make peace with the documentation pages of the Kubernetes, you should be good.
All our questions for CKA, CKS or CKAD are almost like the real exam. So if you can answer our questions in time and without problems. So you should be ready for the real exam.
The switch between the contexts / clusters is performed automatically. This means that you do not have to change the context for each new question.
All our questions and scenarios are provided in English language
For the CKA Exam, a score of 66% or above must be earned to pass.
For the CKAD Exam, a score of 66% or above must be earned to pass.
For the CKS Exam, a score of 67% or above must be earned to pass.
For all our simulators the same values are taken to calculate your score
On each simulator, CKA, CKAD and CKS, or on Kubernetes cluster there is a “Report issue” button that you can use and send us directly the problem and we will take care of it.
Kubernetes bash auto-completion is installed and configured on all our platforms and can be used directly.
A refund can be requested for any purchase made on K8simulator within the first 48 hours after you have purchased your product.
Any refund request must be sent to
Any more questions?
Feel free to contact us for any further assistance